Digital Attraction
Show up, be liked and be found. Get ready for lead generation.
These organizations already trust Essenzial
- Define target audiences.
- Define plan to interact with the audience.
- Plan and program contents.
- Create quality content with the selection of specialized resources.
- Comment on other similar blogs.
- Define plan to interact in social networks and participate in forums.
- Study alternative contents and test them, measuring the result.

- Analyze the impact of digital content on the “Customer Experience” of your organization.
- Identify stories about the business and consumers through a process of “Visual Intelligence”.
- Develop the process of creating digital creative campaigns, by channel and objectives.
- Digital Media Plan, involving resources with experience in the sector of activity, with expertise in digital production formats to be used (image, music, video) and interaction channels (web, social networks, TV, radio, online press).
- Plan to promote the generation of new ideas or concepts, or the study of the relationship between ideas and existing concepts.
- Submission in general or thematic directories.
- Getting many links to an article that provides value (link baiting) through the writing of content for publication on our website or on other websites.
- Exchange and purchase of links (keeping a balance between your own links).
- Links from forums, adding links from a positive contribution to a certain community or interest group.
- Sending links to social networks and press releases.

- Generation of original quality content.
- Web design that respects the different types of devices (responsive design).
- Web easily crawlable by the robots of the main search engines. Create unique titles and descriptions related to the content of the pages.
- Arrangement of important content in the upper half of the pages.
- Proper labeling of the website (use of bold or italics, meta tags, headers h1, h2, h3, etc. to highlight important terms, or titles).
- Implementation of SSL Certificate.
- Experiencia web del usuario (además del responsive design, usabilidad y velocidad de carga, estructura de enlaces internos, disminución de las tasas de rebote).
- Estructuración de la web pensando en que sea funcional, fácil de acceder y que capte la atención del usuario.
- Enlaces internos claros y ordenados, incluyendo el Mapa del Sitio web.
- Optimización de URL’s, incluyendo las palabras claves más importantes y significativas.
- Configuración de Etiquetas, migas de pan y utilización de CDNs.